The culinary wealth of Skiathos was and continues to be remarkable. In the past, fishermen used to swap the treasures of the sea with the farmers’ vegetables and oil. This exchange “game” created a fragrant cuisine based on seafood and “chorta” (edible wild greens).
Fish “stifado” (stew) -such as the common dentex, white and dusky grouper and angler-, and “tsoflia” (shells)- that’s how the Skiathians called crustaceans and lobsters, since they aren’t meaty and thus it takes too many to sate the appetitewith courgettes and mountain “chorta”. Chards, sow thistles, chervils and countless wild greens get magically combined with seafood, highlighting the aromas of the island.
You’ll find various fish and seafood at the rocky coves and the small islands around. Fishing grounds can be found off Lalaria, in the areas around small islands, in Tsougkrias and in Kastro. Fish that swim near the surface perfect for soups and on the grill, stonefish for the pan, squids, langoustines, shrimps, lobsters, limpets and oysters bask in the sun on the rails.
You’ll find various fish and seafood at the rocky coves and the small islands around. Fishing grounds can be found off Lalaria, in the areas around small islands, in Tsougkrias and in Kastro. Fish that swim near the surface perfect for soups and on the grill, stonefish for the pan, squids, langoustines, shrimps, lobsters, limpets and oysters bask in the sun on the rails.